
Missionary Disciples–Our Catechists

A MISSIONARY DISCIPLE is one who: Introduces others to Jesus • Accompanies others on their Way • Journeys with them to the Sacraments • Inspires, forms, equips and sends others on mission to share Jesus and make disciples! May God bless all of us as

Sowing Seeds

We’re living in an unprecedented time – the corona virus pandemic, wars throughout our world, economic uncertainty, impacts all of us and the financial situation some families find themselves in – is overwhelming.  For many children, faith formation will serve them for a lifetime, unfortunately, not all families

Safeguard the Children

OUR PROMISE, OUR PLEDGE​“Providing a safe environment for children, youth, and vulnerable adults.” Safeguard the Children is a comprehensive program designed to promote a safe environment for children, youth and vulnerable adults and prevent child sexual abuse. Our goal is to empower children, teens and

Catholic Social Teachings

MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, the IMAGO DEI Human Dignity “All principles of Catholic social teaching are based on the truth of human dignity.  Being created in God’s image means that, with God’s help, we can be like God and glorify Him with our

Preparation for for Eucharist & Reconciliation

In order to receive any of these sacraments, it is ordinarily required that a person undergo some period of preparation to ensure that the person understands the meaning of the sacrament and to help them make a sound decision whether or not to receive the

The Seven Sacraments

SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION  ​Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist lay the foundations of every Christian life. We are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life.Baptism ​The first of the seven sacraments, and the “door” which

Catholic Websites

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Catechism of the Catholic Church Archdiocese of Los Angeles Angelus Catholic News OSV News

More Resources…

Catholic Websites The Seven Sacraments Preparation for the Sacraments Catholic Social Teaching Safeguard the Children Sowing Seeds Missionary Disciples

Lenten Acts of Love Tree

Supplies During Lent every good act can be hung on the tree and offer to Jesus who loves us very much. Act can be: service to others, helping with chores like folding and put away clothes, clean up play area, special notes to grandparents or